Ludorum Games

This was an imprint of Scene Cinema Ltd., a creative media company founded by Dean Conrad and Jim Hawkins, who sadly died in 2024. These companies ceased trading in 2017, but Jim and Dean did work together on other creative projects (including this one).

Ludorum Games published 2 award-winning titles:

Fagin's Gang

by Dean Conrad
Strategy board game
2-4 players / ages 11+ / 60-120 mins.
For details, see
'Best New Boardgame' at the UK Games Expo, 2007.

Rules available (click flag to download):
English German Included in the box

Ice Flow

by Dean Conrad & John Streets
Strategy board game
2-4 players / ages 11+ / 45-75 mins.
For details, see
'Best New Boardgame' at the UK Games Expo, 2008.
Top Ten Listed at the Internationale Spieltage, Essen, 2008.

Rules available (click flag to download):
English German French Included in the box
Hungarian Polish Dutch

For production rights and enquiries, please contact Dean.